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Kinderskateboard Kaufempfehlung - NEMO BOARDS® im Eltern Family Magazin

Kids' Skateboard Buying Recommendation - NEMO BOARDS® in Eltern Family Magazine

Hooray! Eltern Family magazine has featured NEMO BOARDS® in issue No. 7, 2022. The kids' skateboard "Elephant" with Cork Softgrip was showcased in the magazine. The caption read, "Summer is mosquito season, so quickly skate away on your board."

Kids' Skateboard Buying Recommendation in Eltern Family Magazine

In the "Wellbeing" section, NEMO BOARDS® was featured with the following text:

"Nothing like skating away: The kids' skateboard from Nemo Boards is coated with a special cork layer, making it gentle on the joints and non-slip for little skaters." Thank you!

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